You've seen the ripper shank on the back of large track machines before. They have them because the concentrated force on the single shank can tear through buried materials quickly.
Now you can have that advantage on your CADDigger.
Even 5400 pounds of ripping power can be challenged when that force is distributed across a 18” bucket width. Roots, stumps and other buried obstacles are easily removed when all of the force is concentrated at one point.
That is the reason MetKit has developed The Ripper.
Buried objects are easily removed when the ripper is installed in place of the bucket.
Use The Ripper for stump removal, root removal, abandoned water
lines, large rocks, baked clay soil.
The over 22” long, 3/4” thick, 36,000 psi yield A36 steel shank acts like a “Super Wrecking Bar”. Get the Ripper under an object and
hydraulically “pry” the shank to create many times the ripping power of the bucket alone. The Ripper gives you the power to rip through or move many things the bucket can not.
Four models of the Ripper have been developed. Select yours based on the backhoe you have.
608, 610, 628 Use the Model 600R
708, 710, 728 Use the Model 700R
808, 810, 821, 831, 841 use the Model 800R or 800TH*
* the 800TH is the model shown to the right specifically developed for use with the
NOTE: The Model 600R works with or without the Thumb.

Model 800TH